Wednesday 19 April 2017

Thirsty Traveller Roadtrip

Nova Scotia, We are coming for you.

At Nova Scotia Traveller, we appreciate craft breweries and distilleries, and there has been a huge boom in the Craft distillery / brewery industries in Nova Scotia.

In August of 2017 we will be riding around Nova Scotia on the quest to sample the best spirits and brew that Nova Scotia Craftspersons have to offer.

On a recent road trip out east, we managed to make time to visit a few that were spectacular, and we intend to hit more when we are there in August.

Some of the great places we managed to visit in the past were:

ColdStream Clear, at the base of Mastodon Ridge, in Stewiacke (pictured)
IronWorks Distillery in Luneburg
Breton Brewing in Sydney, NS

We know there are many more to try, and try them we will.
But we want your help in doing so.
Tell us where to go - and we will blog about them,

What is your favourite Craft Distillery and Craft Brewery in Nova Scotia?

Are you the owner of a Distillery, and want us to visit?  Drop us a line. We would love to connect with you.
email me at:

ColdStream Clear Stewiacke

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